In-depth :: Techsets
>> root\raw\techsets

Table of Contents

Techset-Suffix :: ShaderModel 2 :: Assign Techniques :: Additional Info

Techsets are rather simple and there is not much to know about them really. They just define different techniques for different lighting/rendering states within the game. There is one thing thats kinda tricky tho, … knowing what states are needed and what they are needed for.

1. Techset Suffixes

Different suffixes and multiple techsets might be needed, depending on where you use your material.

["2D-Materials"] :: requires 1 techset without any suffix at all
                    (eg. my_techset.techset)

["3D-Materials"] :: requires atleast 2 techsets, one without any suffix just like "2D" only ones and:
        > Models :: needs an additional "mc_" suffixed one (eg. mc_my_techset.techset)
      > Geometry :: needs an additional "wc_" suffixed one (eg. wc_my_techset.techset)
  > Models & Geo :: needs both of the above (eg. mc_my_techset.techset & wc_my_techset.techset)

2. Techsets for ShaderModel 2

Like stated in the introduction: Techsets in root\raw\techsets will be used by GPUs running ShaderModel 3, but CoD4 also supports ShaderModel 2 so you have to create copies of your techsets and place them into ​root\raw\techsets\sm2 (otherwise get’ll errors when linking your fastfile).
These will obv. not work on SM2 hardware but I personally do not care about that.

3. Assigning Techniques

Only a single technique can be assigned to a state but multiple states can be assigned to a single technique.
Not defining a state used by the game results in .. ? (unsure)

2D only techsets


"Model techsets with prefix "mc_"

/* eg. viewmodels */
/* most techniques used for models have a _dtex suffix*/

"fakelight normal":

"fakelight view":

"case texture":

"shaded wireframe":             

"solid wireframe":

"depth prepass":

"build shadowmap depth":

"build shadowmap color":

"build floatz":

"unlit":                    // assigning multiple states to a single technique:
"lit sun":
"lit sun shadow":
"lit spot":
"lit spot shadow":
"lit omni":
"lit omni shadow":
"light omni":
"light spot":
"light spot shadow":
    my_model_technique_name;    // the only thing you need to change for viewmodels really
                                // but you have to turn off dynamic lights in-game or your viewmodel start flickering when ads'ing :p
"sunlight preview":

"shadowcookie caster":

"shadowcookie receiver":

World techsets with suffix "wc_"

/* example for world geometry*/

"fakelight normal":
"fakelight view":

"case texture":

"shaded wireframe":

"solid wireframe":

"depth prepass":

"build floatz":

    my_fullbright_technique_name;   // if you would like to use a different technique that calls different shaders
                                    // when using r_fullbright for example
"lit sun":
"lit sun shadow":
"lit spot":
"lit spot shadow":
"lit omni":
"lit omni shadow":

Sky techsets with suffix "wc_"

/* example for skies*/

"shaded wireframe":

"solid wireframe":

"fakelight normal":         // radiant doesn't like heavy shaders so if you get errors within radiant
"fakelight view":           // assign a technique with simpler shaders to these 2 here
"lit sun":
"lit sun shadow":
"lit spot":
"lit spot shadow":
"lit omni":
"lit omni shadow":

"lit instanced":
"lit instanced sun":
"lit instanced sun shadow":
"lit instanced spot":
"lit instanced spot shadow":
"lit instanced omni":
"lit instanced omni shadow":

4. Additional Information / Engine Background (SM / HSM)

Techset abbreviations

w       // world
wc      // world color
m       // model
mc      // model color
l       // light
sm      // shadow
hsm     // hardware shadow
scroll  // scrolling texcoords
r0      // reflection sample
c0      // colormap
d0      // detailmap
n0      // normalmap
s0      // specularmap

Using the l_sm prefix for techsets allows the engine to remap it to a l_hsm (hardware shadowmapping) techset if cod4 detects that your GPU supports HSM. This means that you need to have the same techset name but prefixed with l_hsm. Linker will throw an error if you don’t.

Example: most, if not all cod4 weapons use the l_sm_r0c0s0 techset. If your GPU supports HSM, the engine will now look for the l_hsm prefixed techset. Since this example is about models, the engine will look for the mc prefix. That means that the actual techset being used is mc_l_hsm_r0c0s0.

Confused? This might clear things up for you: cod4-shader-reversed-weapon

Techset Lighting States Explained

"fakelight normal"              // radiant fakelight
"fakelight view":               // radiant fakelight
"case texture":                 // radiant only  
"shaded wireframe":             // radiant only  
"solid wireframe":              // radiant only  
"debug bumpmap":                // r_debugShader 1-4  
"debug bumpmap instanced":      // ^ grouped objects like grass
"depth prepass":                
"build shadowmap depth":  
"build shadowmap color":  
"build floatz":  
"unlit":                        // fullbright  
"lit":                          // sm_enable 0 + not in sun || sm_enable 1 + not in sun  
"lit sun":                      // sm_enable 0 + in sun  
"lit sun shadow":               // sm_enable 1 + in sun  
"lit spot":                     // sm_enable 0 :: spotlight / dlight  
"lit spot shadow":              // sm_enable 1 :: spotlight / dlight  
"lit omni":                     // no clue  
"lit omni shadow":              // no clue  
"lit instanced":                // prob. grouped objects like grass / trees
"lit instanced sun":            // ^
"lit instanced sun shadow":     // ^
"lit instanced spot":           // ^
"lit instanced spot shadow":    // ^
"lit instanced omni":           // ^
"lit instanced omni shadow":    // ^
"light omni":                   // fx omni lights  
"light spot":                   // fx spot lights  
"light spot shadow":            // fx shadow-casting spot lights  
"sunlight preview":             // radiant only?  
"shadowcookie caster":          // shadow caster
"shadowcookie receiver":        // shadow receiver

MaterialTemplates :: Techniques