The Live-Link feature allows you to synchronize brushes with working collision, camera and worldspawn settings between [IW3xRadiant] and [IW3xo].
This is especially useful for CoDJumper / Deathrun maps as you can quickly iterate and change bounces, platforms .. you get the point.
- Place the
prefab found inmap_source\prefabs\_iw3xo
into your map. (Preferably into the sky) - Compile your maps bsp and fastfiles
- Keep radiant open and launch IW3xo.
Make sure that the following dvars are enabled and are matching radiant’s:
|-> radiant_live :: enables live-Link
|-> radiant_livePort :: port used for live-Link (has to match radiant)
Load up your map. You should now see such a print in radiant’s console:
IW3xo should report the same, followed by some initialization prints where it searches for the
prefab. (Used for collisions)
^ use the devgui found in iw3xo or the radiant_syncCamera
dvar to change the way camera synchronization is handled.
Saving your selection
- Select everything you want (eg. start and end platform)
- Open the devgui and select Save Current Selection (you could now edit the bounce inbetween without loosing the start and end platform)
- Use Clear Saved Selection to clear synced brushes