Effects: Generate CreateFX files
New Feature

IW3xRadiant allows you to play and place effects right inside the editor.
It can generate so-called createfx files that are automatically loaded by the game.

Generating CreateFX files

  • Menubar > File > Generate File > Createfx
  • This will generate createfx files using data off all fx_origins present on your map (you don’t need to select them)
  • Radiant will save the generated files to: cod4/bin/IW3xRadiant/createfx

Using CreateFX files on your map

  • Copy paste the file: mp_MAPNAME_fx.gsc from cod4/bin/IW3xRadiant/createfx   to   cod4/raw/maps/mp/ (next to your maps gsc)
  • Copy paste the file: mp_MAPNAME_fx.gsc from cod4/bin/IW3xRadiant/createfx/createfx   to   cod4/raw/maps/createfx/

Add the files to your map's zone file


Add the following to your maps gsc

	/* ... */

	maps\mp\mp_MAPNAME_fx::main(); // <-

	/* ... */