IW3xRadiant allows you to play and edit effects right inside the editor.
This drastically improves the effect workflow as you can see changes happening in realtime without having to recompile and reloading your map in-game.
It can also generate so-called createfx files that are automatically loaded by the game.
Placing and playing effects
- Create an fx_origin entity by right clicking the grid window > Create Entity > fx_origin
- Use the play, pause and stop buttons within the camera toolbar (you can add these buttons to the main toolbar via the toolbar editor)
- Effects get their origin and angles from the fx_origin entity
- (It’s best to place fx_origin entities into your main .map file and not into prefabs)
Changing the effect definition
- With the fx_origin selected, open up the entity properties (Default N)
- Open the filedialog using the “ .. “ button next to the fx key-value-pair
- Select an .efx file of your choice and hit play