Oh, hey, glad you’re here. Wondering what this site is about?
This is something like a blog / wiki with research, tools and projects surrounding the Call of Duty Games.
Most probably know me as the creator of the “Bounce-Depatcher” or “Custom-HLSL-Shaders”.
My most-recent focus lies on the creation and enhancement of cod4 modding tools like [IW3xRadiant] and [IW3xo]
Make sure to visit the [Research] section if you are interested in common glitches found in Call of Duty Games. (eg. Bouncing / Elevators)
Visit the [Projects] section for a collection of released tools or projects that I’m working on. (eg. Multi Call of Duty - Bounce Depatch Tool)
If you are searching for a few niche-tutorials, like HLSL-Shaders in CoD4, make sure to visit the [Tutorials] section.